Feeding Britain has, in partnership with like-minded organisations, directly established or supported 96 affordable food settings across our network. These range from pantries and food clubs to food buses and citizens’ supermarkets.
These settings are making food and other essentials more affordable and accessible to over 14,000 households on low incomes – thereby helping to prevent crises and the accompanying need for food banks.
Between them, households are saving over £3.8 million per year through their membership of these projects. On average, members spend around £4.70 each time they shop and take home food and other items worth around £17.
“The pantry has been an absolute lifesaver for us this year and the extra support that is offered during holidays is very gratefully received by us, during what has been an extremely long and difficult time for our family.” – Pantry member
“Can I just take this opportunity to thank both yourself and your team for all the hard work into making the community shop and the hampers we have received throughout the year. I visit the shop on a weekly basis and it helps so much with my food shopping….so thank you to all of you.” – Pantry member
The following recent press cuttings showcase some of these initiatives: Feeding Bristol, Nourishing Norfolk, Feeding Coventry, the Sheppey Support Bus, Feeding Bradford and Keighley, Feeding Halton, Feeding Newark and Sherwood, The Nest, Weymouth and Good Food Scotland.
You can read more about affordable food networks here or contact rose.bray@feedingbritain.org
Photo credit: Church Urban Fund (CUF)/Together Liverpool.