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Feeding Britain is working with partners across the UK to develop sustainable and dignified approaches to protect people from hunger. From affordable food clubs to advice services and school holiday programmes, your support makes a real difference to communities across the UK.

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Pauline Gilgallon

Pauline worked extensively with the homeless men and women of Glasgow for over 5 years as a rehabilitation officer. Her key role was in the formulating and implementing of life skill retraining within a domestic setting. Pauline worked alongside a broad network of agencies in the delivery of support to her client base including local housing authorities, DWP and a range of voluntary organisations throughout the city.

In recent years she has volunteered her time and skills on the board of her local nursery and school, Glasgow City Councils Educational Appeals Committee, and is currently a mentor for MCR Pathways. She also runs an autistic support group and advocates for many parents/Carers when they need that little bit extra help to express their views and wishes, and to help them stand up for their rights.

She has always been concerned about food poverty and has organised many social media appeals to raise much needed supplies for food banks throughout the city when supplies were running low. She hopes one day that food poverty will only be something children learn about in history class. A born and bred Glaswegian, Pauline is incredibly proud and excited to be a part of Feeding Britain’s programme to bring Scotland’s first ever Citizens Supermarket to the people of Glasgow.