Thank you for your support

Feeding Britain is working with partners across the UK to develop sustainable and dignified approaches to protect people from hunger. From affordable food clubs to advice services and school holiday programmes, your support makes a real difference to communities across the UK.

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Children eating spaghetti and pizza

There's no place for hunger in the UK

Access to good quality food for all is possible, and essential for a thriving society.

What we do

Feeding Britain is an award-winning charity with a vision of a UK where no one goes hungry. We support a national network of 116 regional and local anti-hunger partnerships comprising more than 700 frontline organisations – ranging from community centres and schools, to local authorities and social enterprises.

By piloting innovative and effective new projects, and showing how severe or chronic food insecurity can be prevented, we are designing a road map for eliminating hunger from the communities we serve. By sharing this knowledge with others, and using it to work for systemic changes at a national level, we will ensure hunger becomes a thing of the past.

Find out more


Children provided with nutritious meals and enriching activities through Feeding Britain's Healthy Holidays programme

2.2 million

Meals distributed to vulnerable people and families on low incomes by Feeding Britain's Covid-19 Emergency Response programme


Households collectively saving hundreds of thousands of pounds each month through membership of Feeding Britain's Affordable Food Clubs


Households supported by Feeding Britain's Pathways From Poverty programme which reduces long-term reliance on food banks

£3.6 million

Benefit to household incomes generated by Feeding Britain's Pathways From Poverty programme

£265 million

Gained for Universal Credit claimants following reforms, recommended by Feeding Britain, to the Government's deductions policy

£200 million

Annual investment from the Government in the Holiday Activities and Food programme, secured on the back of Feeding Britain's School Holidays (Meals and Activities) Bill


Families prevented from losing money through delays in the tax credits and child benefit system, following reforms secured by Feeding Britain


MPs who backed Feeding Britain's successful campaign for a new deal on prepayment meters to support people on low incomes with their energy costs


local authorities working with Feeding Britain to increase registration rates for free school meals

Where we work

We are working across the UK to pilot new approaches for solving hunger.

See where we work

Fundraise for us

Challenge yourself by setting up your own fundraising event to raise money for Feeding Britain in your area.

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Our president

I am proud to be the President of Feeding Britain. The work that is being done to support people at very real risk of hunger, and to find ways to tackle the root causes of hunger, is critical and the successes to date are encouraging.

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Wleby, Archbishop of Canterbury